Michele Alouf

Michele Alouf is a founding member of the Story Street Writers and a master's degree candidate in creative writing at Harvard Extension School. When she’s not working on her first novel, What Lies in Orange Skies, she can be found in her kitchen trying to cook, read, and balance in tree pose without getting burned. Her short stories are forthcoming or published in Bridge Eight, Drunk Monkeys, the Wordrunner e-Chapbook Fiction Anthology--Salvaged, Grim & Gilded, and Sad Girl Diaries. Michele previously owned a yoga business and wrote for a local magazine. She lives in Richmond, Virginia with her husband, John.

An Attitude on Platitudes

Recently, my father, reading a piece of my short fiction, questioned my proclivity for unresolved, unsettling, and often sad endings. He requested that I tie things up with a nice bow and let someone in my next story live happily ever after.…

Fill the Chairs: How to Elevate Local Authors

“Fairytales can come true,” Frank Sinatra croons, then promises, “it can happen to you,” but does it? An author sets up a table piled with copies of her latest novel and assembles rows of chairs for the scads of people surely lining up outside the bookstore to hear her read and get her well-practiced “scrawl” on crisp title pages.…

So, I Listen:  How Music Alleviates Writer’s Block

Hanging out on “Story Street,” my writing compadres and I were bemoaning writer’s block and how to dodge, nudge, or obliterate it. For me, short of divine intervention, the only cure is going for a long drive and listening to music.…

Take Them Shopping: How to Spend Time With Your Characters Off the Page

More than a few years ago, when mobile technology didn’t interfere with healthy posture and relationships, my mom regularly took me shopping on Saturday afternoons. Most of the time, we weren’t in dire need of anything in particular (except reliable air conditioning—it was Florida—and Chick-fil-A sandwiches), but we’d wander around the mall people watching, gagging from one-too-many perfume testers, and trying mystery meat samples at a weird German deli next to the Gap.…