The Writing Life

The everyday struggle of trying to find time researching undetectable poisons in ancient Mesopotamia while caring for sick children and filing out TPS reports.

An Attitude on Platitudes

Recently, my father, reading a piece of my short fiction, questioned my proclivity for unresolved, unsettling, and often sad endings. He requested that I tie things up with a nice bow and let someone in my next story live happily ever after.…

Surviving Feedback

I started my career as a journalist when I was 20 years old, working as a reporter for the social magazine Sierra Madre in Periódico El Norte, the biggest newspaper in my hometown of Monterrey, Mexico. I was finishing my major in Spanish Literature, and journalism was the closest I could find to a writing job.…

The Power and Danger of Honest Writing

Trigger Warning: Mention of Suicide Attempt

Until I woke up in the hospital in Peru on 27 February 2022, after trying to kill myself with a cocktail of Xanax and Stoli, I had been an English teacher for 22 years. I was so lucky to get intensive inpatient therapy and a better, safer cocktail of medication to regulate my brain chemistry.…

It’s not a mishap, it’s a story

Friday, February 23, 2024, would’ve been my father’s 77th birthday. Two years after his passing and in honor of a, in the words of the bishop who celebrated the mass, recalcitrant Catholic, we celebrated his anniversary in church. It was a touching ceremony with aunts and uncles, my daughter Jimena crying as much as she did the day of the funeral, and my sister, who lives in Atlanta, on Facetime. …

Fill the Chairs: How to Elevate Local Authors

“Fairytales can come true,” Frank Sinatra croons, then promises, “it can happen to you,” but does it? An author sets up a table piled with copies of her latest novel and assembles rows of chairs for the scads of people surely lining up outside the bookstore to hear her read and get her well-practiced “scrawl” on crisp title pages.…