Author Interview: Sofía Segovia

Sofía Segovia, the international best selling author of The Murmor of Bees and Tears of Amber, visits Story Street to chat with our own Elisa Maiz about her writing journey, finding success in translation, and giving ourselves permission in our creative work.

Michael Stubblefield
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Michael Stubblefield

When I got my bachelor’s degree—decades ago, now—I started out in film school, with aspirations of making it big in the movies. However, over the course of four years, I ended up taking so many writing classes that I had to change my major to Media Communications, with a Scriptwriting emphasis, in order to graduate in my target year. In the two decades since, I found myself drifting through several jobs that just paid bills. I have worked as a photographer, a truck driver, tour manager, and online marketing consultant. Finally, the most recent decade, I have settled for working as a software engineer. It pays well, and is something I am actually pretty good at. But I find myself longing to go back to the roots of what I really want to do—what my earlier college career should have told me I need to do—write.

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